On the occasion of the celebration of the International Week of Women and Girls in Science, the GEAS group has participated with a series of activities to bring closer the work carried out by women in the world scientific. To this end, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza joined the activities that took place from February 4 to 16, 2022, and in which some of our researchers from the GEAS group participated. .
In this way, the 4th grade students of CEIP José María Mir had the opportunity to participate in various activities with the Workshop “Hello, we are scientists”, where in an entertaining and fun way They were able to chat first-hand with our young researchers, who tried to instill in the little ones their interest and affection for Science (https://twitter.com/HolaSomosCient1/status/1492418202344869891?s=20&t=pdpCeEfXLoJLFLMK1u9Uw).
In the same way, and with the aim of bringing Science closer to the youngest, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza organized the Science Immersion Week< between June 13 and 17, 2022. /strong> Aimed at 4th ESO and 1st Baccalaureate students from various secondary schools in the three Aragonese provinces. The selected students had the opportunity to participate in various activities and learn first-hand about the research carried out in the different Departments of the Faculty. One more year, the GEAS group participated in these dissemination sessions, bringing our work closer to future scientists.