The GEAS researcher Josefina Pérez Arantegui has been part of the organizing committee of the temporary exhibition “Einstein and Aragonese Science“, which is located in the Auditorium of the University of Zaragoza until July 1, 2023 (Odón de Buen room of the Museum of Natural Sciences and the Jorge Cocci room of the General University Library).

In 1923 Einstein traveled to Spain, visiting the Aragonese capital from March 12 to 14, delaying his return to Berlin for a few days and celebrating his 44th birthday in the city. As part of the activities that the University of Zaragoza has organized to commemorate the centenary of the visit of the Nobel Prize winner Albert Einstein to the city of Zaragoza.

The workshop, organized by the Office of the Vice President for Scientific Policy of the University of Zaragoza, is supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

More information in the following links: /actualidad/vernoticia_ng.php?id=71887&idh= by-albert-einstein-in-1923-la
