The researcher Dª Khoula Ben Jeddou, Iberus Talent doctoral student in the GEAS research group, has participated in the “Researchers’ Night 2020”, giving a conference entitled: “Towards a sustainable use of new nanobactericides in the fight against antimicrobial resistance”.
The celebration of the Researchers’ Night has been held in Zaragoza on Saturday, November 21, 2020, and aims to take the investigation out onto the streets and bring it closer to the general public. It had its continuation on Friday, November 27 with online activities by researchers from the University of Zaragoza.
“Researchers´ Night” is a European scientific dissemination project promoted and promoted by the European Commission, through Actions (MSCA), a program to promote scientific careers in Europe, and within the Framework Program for research and innovation of the Union European (Horizon 2020).
For the ninth consecutive year, these festive events have been held in Zaragoza, which seek to socialize the figure of the researcher. To this end, a wide range of activities have been organized, among which the work of researchers is shown through practical experiences, and which are offered to the public with free and open access.
Researcher Ms. Khoula Ben Jeddou spoke about the importance of nanomaterials in the design of new bactericides that contribute to sustained use and to avoid large concentrations of antibiotics as environmental pollutants. This work is part of the European Project POCTEFA EFA-183-16, coordinated by the GEAS Research Group, and which investigates innovative technologies for the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of emerging pollutants (antibiotics) from the waters of the POCTEFA territory (Spain- France).
Her full conference (3min 17s) can be seen at the following LINK