The Master’s Degree in Environmental Nanotechnology (EnvironNano), promoted by the Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences of Aragon (IUCA) of the University of Zaragoza, is a joint master’s degree from the University of Zaragoza, the University of Lleida and the Public University of Navarra, belonging to to the Iberus Campus of International Excellence.

The EnvironNano master is coordinated by the University of Zaragoza and responds to the emerging and important challenge of the involvement of nanomaterials with the environment and public health. It has a marked transversal nature, in which Spanish and foreign experts collaborate, which guarantees postgraduate training and professional recycling in this new field of emerging pollutants, taking into account the great development and important technological applications of a large number of nanomaterials.

The deadlines for pre-registration and admission (Course 2017-18) can be consulted at:

All the information on this University Master’s Degree, including study plan, grants, scholarships and much more, can be consulted on its website: