The IberusTalent call has been opened to hire 19 pre-doctoral researchers in the Research Lines that were recently approved by the Campus Iberus Consortium on October 22, 2018, within the first call for expressions of interest. The IberusTalent project is funded in the 2017 call for Marie Slodowska Curie actions under the COFUND line of the European Union (Grant agreement 801586). This resolution can be consulted on the Campus Iberus Consortium website (

Among the 19 expressions of interest approved in the first call of the IberusTalent-COFUND project, and in the Agri-Food and Nutrition Area, the University of Zaragoza has the line of research entitled: «Towards a sustainable use of new nanobactericides in the frontier of fight with antimicrobial resistance ”, of which Prof. Juan R. Castillo is Principal Investigator.

The call for applications will be open until January 31, 2019. For more information, you can consult the project’s specific website:

Also for more information on the mobility of researchers in the European Union, the Euraxess page can be consulted:

The three aspects of eligibility are remembered to be able to present the candidacy, an important fact because they are exclusive:

1. Comply with the Marie Curie mobility rule: The researcher cannot have resided or worked in the host country for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the closing date of the call (January 31, 2019)

2. Being an Early Stage Researcher, that is, being in the first 4 years of a research career.

3. Not be in possession of another title of doctor.