The GEAS group has recently published two papers in the special issue of the journal Microchimica Acta of the "X International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (X-NyNA-2022)", held in Ciudad Real (September 5-8, 2022) on the campus of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
This Congress has a long history in topics related to nanoscience, nanobiosensors and nanotechnology, mostly in the field of Analytical Chemistry, and has extensive international assistance. The GEAS group previously organized two NyNA Congresses in the city of Zaragoza in 2019 and 2010.
Both works have been published under an Open Access license and are part of the Collection of the "X NyNA 2022. International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" ( They can be consulted in the following references:
- Jimenez, M.S., Bakir, M., Ben-Jeddou, K. et al. Comparative study of extraction methods of silver species from faeces of animals fed with silver-based nanomaterials. Microchim Act 190, 204 (2023). (https://
- Vidal, J.C., Midón, J., Vidal, A.B. et al. Detection, quantification, and characterization of polystyrene microplastics and adsorbed bisphenol A contaminant using electroanalytical techniques. Microchim Act 190, 203 (2023). (https://