Prof. Juan C. Vidal (GEAS) has participated in the Workshop called “Reducing water pollution from pharmaceuticals”, with a conference entitled “Antibiotics and water in Aragon region”, and subsequent debate between the lecturers and the attending experts , on the problem in the European Union of drug contamination in natural and waste water.
In this presentation, Prof. Juan C. Vidal has presented some provisional conclusions of the Interreg POCTEFA OUTBIOTICS (EFA 183-16) 2018-2021 project, led by Prof. Juan R. Castillo, in which new techniques for the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of antibiotics as em
In this Workshop, organized by the Government of Aragon, World Health Organization and the European Commission, and which has been held at the headquarters of the CIBA-Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (University of Zaragoza), researchers from these Organizations have participated. emphasized the problem of drug contamination in water and the need for new diagnostic and remediation tools to improve European legislation in this regard.
Workshop Agenda
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