News from GEAS
New publication of the GEAS group on electrochemical sensors for the characterization, detection and quantification of silver nanomaterials
Researchers from the GEAS group have published a work in which they propose new electrochemical sensors for the detection, quantification and characterization of the size of silver nanoparticles: This work is entitled:...
Participation in the Workshop: Reducing water pollution from pharmaceuticals. Zaragoza, December 13, 2019
Prof. Juan C. Vidal (GEAS) has participated in the Workshop called “Reducing water pollution from pharmaceuticals”, with a conference entitled “Antibiotics and water in Aragon region”, and subsequent debate between the lecturers and the attending experts , on the...
Coordination meeting of the OUTBIOTICS POCTEFA 183/16 project, in Jaca (Huesca)
On June 19, 2019, a coordination meeting of the OUTBIOTICS POCTEFA 183/16 project was held in the Sala Pirineos of the Palacio de Congresos de Jaca (Huesca), chaired by its coordinator Prof. Juan R. Castillo (University of Zaragoza , GEAS group). At this meeting, the...
Co-supervision agreements for Doctoral Theses of the University of Pau-CNRS and the University of Zaragoza
Within the framework of the collaboration agreement for co-tutors of Doctoral Theses , between the University of Pau and the University of Zaragoza, the proposing body has approved in April 2019 two co-tutors for Doctoral Theses On the one hand, and under the...
Agreements of co-tutelage of Doctoral Theses of the University of Pau-CNRS and the University of Zaragoza
Within the framework of the collaboration agreement for co-tutelage of Doctoral Thesis, between the University of Pau and the University of Zaragoza, the proposing body has approved in April 2019 two co-tutelage of Doctoral Thesis On the one hand, and under the...
Approved the formation of the ANTIB-PLAST consortium of the aCCeSS program, to which researchers from the Public University of Navarra and the University of La Rioja have been added
In May 2019, the proposal presented by the ANTIB-PLAST Consortium was approved in the Call aCCeSS Cooperation and Transfer Public-Private Consortia of the EU «Frontier innovations to solve two emerging agrofood problems in the aCCeSS territory: new nanobactericides...
GEAS group researchers present Master’s Thesis (University of Zaragoza)
Prof. Eduardo Bolea has directed and presented the following Final Master's Thesis reports at the University of Zaragoza, in the academic year 2017-18 and 2018-19: 1. Characterization of the size of synthetic nanoparticles by fractionation in flow by asymmetric flow...
Article on the detection of traces of wine in archaeological samples by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2019)
The GEAS group researcher Josefina Pérez-Arantegui has published an article in the Anal magazine. Bioanal. Chem. (Springer) entitled: «Wine markers in archeological potteries: detection by GC-MS at ultratrace levels», in which a new analytical procedure is developed...
Concession of a new Aragón-Nueva Aquitania cross-border cooperation research project of the Government of Aragon
Professor Josefina Pérez-Arantegui (IP), University of Zaragoza, of the GEAS group, has been awarded a cross-border cooperation project between Aragon and Nueva Aquitaine, together with Professor Floréal Daniel (IP, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne), with reference AQ...
New article published in the Journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry on the separation, characterization Ag (I) / Ag (0) and quantification of silver nanoparticles in soil matrices
Researchers from the GEAS group have published a new work in the prestigious journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer), entitled: "Combination of cloud point extraction with single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to characterize...