The Prof. Francisco Laborda director of the GEAS research group, reports on the Aragón Radio station about the final phase of the OUTBIOTICS Project.
In the “Despierta Aragón” program on the Aragón Radio station, Prof. Francisco Laborda, coordinator of the OUTBIOTICS project and director of the GEAS research group (Group of Analytical Spectroscopy and Sensors) ) of the University of Zaragoza, on the morning of Thursday, September 16, 2021.
In this interview we have talked about the situation of the OUTBIOTICS Project in its final phase, after 4 years of work in it. The EFA 183/16 / OUTBIOTICS Project , financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg VA Spain-France-Andorra program (POCTEFA 2014-2020), addresses the problem of the presence of antibiotics in river waters of basins in Spain and France, monitoring their concentration in 40 sampling points downstream of important livestock farms and proposing tools to control them and reduce their presence.
The complete podcast of the interview (7:07 min.) can be heard from the following link: < / p>
Image taken from the Aragón Radio website