Recently, a new work by researchers from the GEAS group on the study of species released by Silver nanomaterials has been published in the prestigious journal JASS (Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry).

In this study, ionic silver spices, complexed with various ligands, and solid metal nanoparticles have been characterized with separation techniques by ultrafiltration and AF4, in addition to quantification techniques such as spICP-MS (single-particle inductive coupling plasma with spectrometry detection mass).

The GEAS group has extensive experience in the characterization of nanoparticles and nanomaterials, and is a pioneer in single-particle Inductive Coupling Plasma techniques and field flow fractionation separation techniques (AF4) for the study of nanomaterials. Silver nanoparticles are increasingly used in a huge number of manufactured and industrial products due to their catalytic and antimicrobial properties, so their release into the environment causes very important contamination and toxicity problems. Silver nanoparticles are considered by the European Union as emerging pollutants, so new analytical tools are essential for their detection, quantification and characterization.

The pre-registration period is now open for the Master’s Degree in Environmental Nanotechnology (EnvironNano), Course 2017-18