On November 4, 2020, a documentary on the situation of the waters in Aragon was broadcast on Aragón TV, with the title: What’s in the water ?. This documentary is part of the series “En route with science” (Ch. 153).
In it, he participated in prof. Castillo (GEAS) disseminating the work and results of the European Project POCTEFA 2018-2021, of which he is coordinator, whose title is: “Innovative technologies for diagnosis, prevention and elimination of emerging pollutants (antibiotics) from the waters of the POCTEFA territory” ( EFA 183-16) ( http://outbiotics.unizar.es/ ).
This program can be viewed on Aragón TV a la carte: http://alacarta.aragontelevision.es/programas/en-ruta-con-la-ciencia/cap-153-que-hay-en-el-agua-04112020-2310