The researcher Mr. Jorge Fernández Fito joined the GEAS group on March 15, 2019 with a contract as a new researcher N4. The theme of his work is the quantification of the antibiotic fumagillin, using electrochemical techniques and liquid chromatography. The work is directed by Prof Pilar Santolaria from the Animal Production Department, and Profs Castillo and Vidal from the GEAS group. The researcher Mr. Jorge Fernández has a degree in Biology (University of Alicante) and a Master’s Degree in microbiology of infectious diseases (University of Alcalá de Henares in collaboration with the Carlos III Health Institute).

This contract has been financed by the Aragon Institute for Environmental Science Research (IUCA), within the multidisciplinary project program (2nd call) in which researchers from different research groups collaborate.