The GEAS Research Group has obtained a project in the second call for POCTEFA Projects 2014-2020. POCTEFA 2014-2020 is the acronym for the INTERREG V-A Spain-France-Andorra Program. It is a European territorial cooperation program created to promote the sustainable development of the border territory between the three countries (POCTEFA).

The POCTEFA 2014-2020 Programming Committee, held on November 8, approved the provisional resolution of the second call with 62 cross-border cooperation projects and 71.2 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This is 40% of the Program funds, and together with the projects programmed in the 1st call, they add up to a total of 80% of the ERDF funds for the 2014-2020 period. This resolution became final in December 2017.

In the second phase of the second call, 101 candidatures requesting 100 million euros were examined, of which 62 projects were approved, including initiatives in tourism, R&D, languages ​​of the territory, prevention of natural disasters, protection of the natural and cultural heritage, cross-border mobility and sustainable transport, or training and employment, among others.

The GEAS group submitted the EFA183 / 16-OUTBIOTICS application, and coordinates the project in collaboration with two other research groups from the University of Zaragoza, two groups from the University of Lleida, two groups from the Public University of Navarra, one group from CNRS (Center National de la Recherche Scientifique, France), and several companies from Spain and France. The approved project is entitled: “Technologies innovatrices pour le diagnostic, la prévention et l ‘elimination des polluants émergents (antibiotiques) dans les eaux du territoire POCTEFA”, and its main objective is the development of innovative technologies in the field of natural resources, in relation to the presence and elimination of emerging pollutants (antibiotics) in natural waters of the POCTEFA territory.