Title | Authors | Meeting | Year |
Especiación de aditivos alimentarios metálicos en procesos digestivos in vitro: Detección de nanopartículas y formas disueltas. |
Trujillo, C. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Efficiency Improvement of AF4 Separation by using a Reduced Dimensions Channel: Application to the Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles |
Ojeda, D. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Characterization and Quantification of Titanium Dioxide Particles in Fish-derived Products through Alkaline Digestion and AF4-DLS-ICP-MS |
Ojeda, D. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid /Nacional |
2019 |
Single particle ICP-MS como método de screening para la detección de nanopartículas |
Giménez-Ingalaturre, A.C. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Selective ligands for developing electrochemical silver nanoparticles sensors |
Juan C. Vidal |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Electroanalytical techniques for the characterization of nanomaterials |
Deamelys Hernández |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Quantification of oxytetracycline in beekeeping products with voltammetric methods |
Mariam Bakir |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Desarrollo de metodologÍa para la especiaciÓn de nanopartÍculas de plata y plata iÓnica mediante cromatografÍa hidrodinÁmica acoplada a icp-ms |
M. Bakir |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Elementos de cosmética y pigmentos de época romanorrepublicana en el valle medio del Ebro: caracterización de muestras procedentes de la ciudad de La Cabañeta (El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza, Hispania Citerior) |
Pérez-Arantegui, J.
III Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés (CAPA) / Zaragoza / Nacional |
2019 |
Evolución en el uso de pigmentos en la estampa japonesa: su estudio mediante técnicas analíticas no-invasivas. |
Pérez-Arantegui, J. Rabehl, B. Gil, A. Biron, C. Mounier, A. Daniel, F. Roldán, C. Almazán, D. Díez-de-Pinos, N. |
XIII Congresso Ibérico de Arqueometria / Faro, Portugal / Internacional |
2019 |
Estudio preliminar de la cerámica del noroeste peninsular: el caso de Santa Lucía de Torrentejo (Álava, País Vasco) |
Aguirrezabala-Lizarazu, E.
XIII Congresso Ibérico de Arqueometria / Faro, Portugal / Internacional |
2019 |
Efficiency Improvement of AF4 Separation by using a Reduced Dimensions Channel: Application to the Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles |
Ojeda, D.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Characterization and Quantification of Titanium Dioxide Particles in Fish-derived Products through Alkaline Digestion and AF4-DLS-ICP-MS |
Ojeda, D.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Single particle ICP-MS as screening method for detection of nanoparticles |
Giménez-Ingalaturre, A.C.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Speciation metallic food additives in “in vitro” digestion process: Detection of nanoparticles and dissolved species |
Trujillo, C.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Development of methodology for the speciation of nanoparticle and ionic forms of silver with hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICP-MS |
Bakir, M. |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Selective ligands for developing electrochemical silver nanoparticles sensors |
Juan C. Vidal |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional | 2019 |
Quantification of oxitetracycline in beekeeping products with voltammetric methods |
Mariam Bakir |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional | 2019 |
Electroanalytical techniques for the characterization of nanomaterials |
Deamelys Hernández |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional | 2019 |
Characterization of Asian lacquers by in-situ pyrolysis/silylation gas chromatography mass spectrometry in museum objects coming from several oriental regions. |
Pérez‐Arantegui, J. Tamburini, D. Ribechini, E. Colombini, M.P. Gallego, C. |
Technart 2019 / Burges, Bélgica / Internacional |
2019 |
Non‐invasive multianalytical approach to characterize traditional and new pigments in Japanese woodblock printings: New contributions to the insight of oriental materials. |
Pérez-Arantegui, J. |
Technart 2019 / Burges, Bélgica / Internacional | 2019 |
Detection of nanoparticles released from metallic food additives by single particle ICP-MS |
Trujillo, C. |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional |
2019 |
Calculation considerations for characterizing silver nanoparticles with different properties in environmental samples by single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
Torrent, L. |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Size characterization and speciation of gold and silver nanoparticles and their ionic counterparts by hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICP-MS |
Jimenez, M.S.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Single particle ICP-MS as screening method for detection of nanoparticles
Giménez-Ingalaturre, A.C.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
About detectability and detection limits in single particle ICP-MS
Laborda, F.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Characterization of silver species released from clays coated with silver nanoparticles in in vitro gastrointestinal digestion using af4-icpms
Trujillo, C.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Use of a reduced dimensions channel in af4-icp-ms for detection and characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in consumer products |
Ojeda, D. |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Title | Authors | Meeting | Year |
Especiación de aditivos alimentarios metálicos en procesos digestivos in vitro: Detección de nanopartículas y formas disueltas. |
Trujillo, C. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Efficiency Improvement of AF4 Separation by using a Reduced Dimensions Channel: Application to the Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles |
Ojeda, D. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Characterization and Quantification of Titanium Dioxide Particles in Fish-derived Products through Alkaline Digestion and AF4-DLS-ICP-MS |
Ojeda, D. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid /Nacional |
2019 |
Single particle ICP-MS como método de screening para la detección de nanopartículas |
Giménez-Ingalaturre, A.C. |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Selective ligands for developing electrochemical silver nanoparticles sensors |
Juan C. Vidal |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Electroanalytical techniques for the characterization of nanomaterials |
Deamelys Hernández |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Quantification of oxytetracycline in beekeeping products with voltammetric methods |
Mariam Bakir |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Desarrollo de metodologÍa para la especiaciÓn de nanopartÍculas de plata y plata iÓnica mediante cromatografÍa hidrodinÁmica acoplada a icp-ms |
M. Bakir |
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valladolid / Nacional |
2019 |
Elementos de cosmética y pigmentos de época romanorrepublicana en el valle medio del Ebro: caracterización de muestras procedentes de la ciudad de La Cabañeta (El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza, Hispania Citerior) |
Pérez-Arantegui, J.
III Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés (CAPA) / Zaragoza / Nacional |
2019 |
Evolución en el uso de pigmentos en la estampa japonesa: su estudio mediante técnicas analíticas no-invasivas. |
Pérez-Arantegui, J. Rabehl, B. Gil, A. Biron, C. Mounier, A. Daniel, F. Roldán, C. Almazán, D. Díez-de-Pinos, N. |
XIII Congresso Ibérico de Arqueometria / Faro, Portugal / Internacional |
2019 |
Estudio preliminar de la cerámica del noroeste peninsular: el caso de Santa Lucía de Torrentejo (Álava, País Vasco) |
Aguirrezabala-Lizarazu, E.
XIII Congresso Ibérico de Arqueometria / Faro, Portugal / Internacional |
2019 |
Efficiency Improvement of AF4 Separation by using a Reduced Dimensions Channel: Application to the Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles |
Ojeda, D.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Characterization and Quantification of Titanium Dioxide Particles in Fish-derived Products through Alkaline Digestion and AF4-DLS-ICP-MS |
Ojeda, D.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Single particle ICP-MS as screening method for detection of nanoparticles |
Giménez-Ingalaturre, A.C.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Speciation metallic food additives in “in vitro” digestion process: Detection of nanoparticles and dissolved species |
Trujillo, C.
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Development of methodology for the speciation of nanoparticle and ionic forms of silver with hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICP-MS |
Bakir, M. |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional |
2019 |
Selective ligands for developing electrochemical silver nanoparticles sensors |
Juan C. Vidal |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional | 2019 |
Quantification of oxitetracycline in beekeeping products with voltammetric methods |
Mariam Bakir |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional | 2019 |
Electroanalytical techniques for the characterization of nanomaterials |
Deamelys Hernández |
IX International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA) / Zaragoza / Internacional | 2019 |
Characterization of Asian lacquers by in-situ pyrolysis/silylation gas chromatography mass spectrometry in museum objects coming from several oriental regions. |
Pérez‐Arantegui, J. Tamburini, D. Ribechini, E. Colombini, M.P. Gallego, C. |
Technart 2019 / Burges, Bélgica / Internacional |
2019 |
Non‐invasive multianalytical approach to characterize traditional and new pigments in Japanese woodblock printings: New contributions to the insight of oriental materials. |
Pérez-Arantegui, J. |
Technart 2019 / Burges, Bélgica / Internacional | 2019 |
Detection of nanoparticles released from metallic food additives by single particle ICP-MS |
Trujillo, C. |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional |
2019 |
Calculation considerations for characterizing silver nanoparticles with different properties in environmental samples by single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
Torrent, L. |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Size characterization and speciation of gold and silver nanoparticles and their ionic counterparts by hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICP-MS |
Jimenez, M.S.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Single particle ICP-MS as screening method for detection of nanoparticles
Giménez-Ingalaturre, A.C.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
About detectability and detection limits in single particle ICP-MS
Laborda, F.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Characterization of silver species released from clays coated with silver nanoparticles in in vitro gastrointestinal digestion using af4-icpms
Trujillo, C.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Use of a reduced dimensions channel in af4-icp-ms for detection and characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in consumer products |
Ojeda, D. |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Pau, Francia / Internacional | 2019 |
Title | Authors | Meeting | Year |
Amperometric immunosensor for Human Cytomegalovirus detection |
Filipa Pires, Juan C. Vidal Juan R. Castillo M. Julia Arcos-Martínez Ana Cristina Dias-Cabral |
ESBES 2018 – 12th European Symposium in Biochemical Engineering Sciences. / Lisboa, Portugal / Internacional | 2018 |
Characterisation of contents in archaeological objects to highlight ancient cosmetic preparations by a multi-analytical approach. |
Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Erika Ribechiniá Maria Perla Colombini |
From Past to Present-Natural Cosmetics Unwrapped. / London, United Kingdom / Internacional | 2018 |
Detect and determine ions released in the presence of nanoparticles: Selectivity or Strategy. |
Deamelys Hernández Gemma Cepriá Juan R. Castillo Francisco Laborda, F |
17th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC). / Rodas Grecia / Internacional | 2018 |
The electroanalytical approach to the solution of the Nanoparticles and their released ions problem. Get more for less. |
Gemma Cepriá Deamelys Hernández N. Mostolac Juan R. Castillo Francisco Laborda |
17th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC) / Rodas, Grecia / Internacional | 2018 |
Non-invasive NIR-MIR spectroscopy for the discrimination of organic dyes and pigments in ukiyo-e-prints. |
Carole Biron Gwénaëlle Le Bourdon Laurent Servant Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Rémy Chapoulie Floréal, Daniel |
3rd International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology (InArt) / Parma, Italia / Internacional | 2018 |
Evidence of wine production in central Celtiberia (2nd-1st c. BC): highlighting the presence of wine biomarkers by an analytical GC-MS approach. |
Laura Blanco-Zubiaguirre Maitane Olivares Kepa Castro Carlos García-Benito Jose Angel García-Serrano Julián Pérez-Pérez Josefina Pérez-Arantegui |
42nd International Symposium on Archaeometry. / Mérida, México / Internacional | 2018 |
Technological evolution of Japanese woodblock printings: Characterisation of traditional and new pigments by in-situ Diffuse Reflectance Spectrometry. |
Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Bianca Rabehl David Almazán Nerea Díez de Pinos N. |
42nd International Symposium on Archaeometry / Mérida, México / Internacional | 2018 |
Improving learning through suite for education use of “Google Universe” apps in the Classroom |
Jose M. Mir |
12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. / Valencia, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Critical considerations about the determination of nanoparticle number concentrations by single particle-ICPMS. |
Francisco Laborda Ana C. Giménez Isabel Abad Eduardo Bolea Juan R. Castillo |
RSC-NPL Symposium: Nanoparticle concentration – critical needs and state-of-the-art measurement / London, United Kingdom / Internacional | 2018 |
Characterization of silver species released from clay coated with silver nanoparticles in in vitro gastrointestinal digestion using AF4-ICPMS. |
Celia Trujillo Eduardo Bolea Isabel Abad-Álvaro Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Juan R. Castillo Francisco Laborda |
6th Workshop on Field-Flow Fractionation–Mass Spectrometry. / Koblenz, Alemania / Internacional | 2018 |
Discrimination of particle and baseline events in single particle ICPMS: Threshold selection. |
Ana C. Giménez Francisco Laborda |
6th Workshop on Field-Flow Fractionation–Mass Spectrometry. / Koblenz, Alemania / Internacional | 2018 |
Evaluation of a reduced dimensions channel in Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) for the Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles: Critical aspects |
David Ojeda Pablo Sánchez Eduardo Bolea Francisco Laborda Juan R. Castillo |
6th Workshop on Field-Flow Fractionation–Mass Spectrometry. / Koblenz, Alemania / Internacional |
2018 |
“In situ” synthesis of fluorescent gold nanocluster for tyramine determination. |
Jesús Navarro Susana de Marcos Gemma Cepriá Javier Galbán (N&SB) |
Europtrode XIV / Nápoles , Italia / Internacional | 2018 |
Caracterización de nanopartículas por cromatografía hidrodinámica e ICP-MS. |
M. Sierra Jiménez Daniel Isabal M. Teresa Gómez Francisco Laborda Juan R. Castillo |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Detección, caracterización y cuantificación de nanopartículas de óxido de titanio en alimentos y materiales de construcción. |
David Ojeda Vanesa Taboada Eduardo Bolea Francisco Laborda Antonio Moreda Pilar Bermejo Juan R. Castillo |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Detectar y determinar nanopartículas metálicas en presencia de sus iones: ¿Selectividad o estrategia? |
Deamelys Hernández Gemma Cepriá Juan R. Castillo Francisco Laborda |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Efectos sinérgicos bactericidas entre nanomateriales base plata y antibióticos. |
Ana C. Giménez Francisco Laborda Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Pilar Goñi Juan R. Castillo |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Espectroscopía de reflectancia y análisis de imágenes hiperespectrales para la identificación de pigmentos y la caracterización de técnicas pictóricas. |
Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Bianca Rabehl David Almazán Nerea Díez de Pinos Carmen Gallego |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Nanomateriales base plata como aditivos en alimentación animal: Caracterización de especies de plata liberadas en ensayos de digestibilidad. |
Celia Trujillo Isabel Abad-Álvaro Eduardo Bolea Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Francisco Laborda Juan R. Castillo |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Outbiotics |
Francisco Laborda Eduardo Bolea Gemma Cepriá M. Teresa Gómez M. Sierra Jiménez Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Juan C. Vidal Juan R. Castillo |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Sensores electroquímicos para la detección y cuantificación de nanopartículas de plata. |
Juan C. Vidal Darío Torrero Juan R. Castillo |
V Jornadas del IUCA / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2018 |
Title | Author | Meeting | Year |
Cerámica andalusí en Zaragoza: arqueometría de piezas procedentes de la excavación del teatro romano | Aránzazu Mendívil Uceda Josefina Pérez-Arantegui |
XII Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría. Burgos, 25-28 Octubre / Burgos, España / Nacional | 2017 |
Pigmentos en el arte del Ukiyo-e: estudio analítico no-invasivo de estampas japonesas del periodo final | Josefina Pérez-Arantegui David Rupérez David Almazán Nerea Díez de Pinos |
XII Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría. Burgos, 25-28 Octubre / Burgos, España / Nacional | 2017 |
Reconsidering hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICP-MS for the analysis of nanomaterials | María S. Jiménez María T. Gómez Francisco Laborda Juan R. Castillo |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Sankt Anton am Arlberg, Austria / Internacional | 2017 |
Single Particle ICP-MS: Keeping the feet on the ground | Francisco Laborda Isabel Abad-Alvaro Eduardo Bolea Juan R. Castillo Miguel A. Gómez- González Javier Jiménez-Lamana Joanna Szpunar |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Sankt Anton am Arlberg, Austria / Internacional | 2017 |
Use of ultrafiltration and AF4-ICP-MS for the study of silver released from silver nanoparticles-based clay additives used in animal feeding | Francisco Laborda Eduardo Bolea Isabel Abad-Alvaro Juan R. Castillo |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Sankt Anton am Arlberg, Austria / Internacional | 2017 |
Magnetic particles-based enzyme immunoassay for human cytomegalovirus detection | Filipa Pires Juan C. Vidal Cristina Dias-Cabral J.R.castillo |
II International Congress in Health Sciences Research / Covilha, Portugal / International | 2017 |
Detection, Characterization and Quantification of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Complex Samples by AF4-ICP-MS | Francisco Laborda David Ojeda Vanesa Taboada-López Eduardo Bolea Antonio Moreda Pilar Bermejo Juan R. Castillo |
Scientific Exchange National Meeting of Society for Applied Spesctroscopy (SAS) and American Electrophoresis Society (AES) / Reno, USA / International | 2017 |
Hydrodynamic Chromatography Coupled to ICP-MS: Rethinking the Technique for the Analysis of Nanomaterials | Francisco Laborda María S. Jiménez Daniel Isabal María T. Gómez Juan R. Castillo |
Scientific Exchange National Meeting of Society for Applied Spesctroscopy (SAS) and American Electrophoresis Society (AES) / Reno, USA / International | 2017 |
ICP-MS Based Methods for the Analysis of Nanomaterials | Francisco Laborda Eduardo Bolea María T. Gómez María S. Jiménez Juan R. Castillo |
Scientific Exchange National Meeting of Society for Applied Spesctroscopy (SAS) and American Electrophoresis Society (AES) / Reno, USA / International | 2017 |
Electrochemical Immunosensor for Human Cytomegalovirus Detection | Filipa Pires M.Julia Arcos-Martínez Cristina Dias-Cabral Juan C. Vidal |
MicroBiotec-17 Congress of microbiology and biotechnology / Porto, Portugal / International | 2017 |
Colours and pigments in late ukiyo-e paintings: a non-invasive study of a series of woodblock prints by Shuntei | Josefina Pérez-Arantegui David Rupérez David Almazán Nerea Díez de Pinos |
Technart 2017, Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage / Bilbao, España / International | 2017 |
Identification of organic dyes and pigments in ukiyo-e Japanese woodblock prints by non-invasive and mobile techniques | Carole Biron Gwénaëlle Le Bourdon Aurélie Mounier Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Laurent Servant Rémy Chapoulie Floréal Daniel |
Technart 2017, Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage / Bilbao, España / International | 2017 |
In situ spectrofluorimetric analysis of red & blue colours on 19th century Japanese engravings (Torralba collection, Zaragoza Museum) | Aurélie Mounier Gwénaëlle Le Bourdon Christian Aupetit S. Lazare Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Floréal Daniel |
Technart 2017, Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritageBilbaoEspañaInternational | 2017 |
Caracterización de especies de plata liberadas a partir de arcillas recubiertas con nanopartículas de plata en ensayos de digestibilidad mediante AF4-ICPMS | Eduardo Bolea Francisco Laborda Isabel Abad-Álvaro Celia Trujillo Juan R. Castillo |
XXI Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valencia, España / Nacional | 2017 |
Detección, caracterización y cuantificación de nanopartículas de óxido de titanio en muestras complejas mediante AF4-ICP-MS | David Ojeda Vanessa Taboada Eduardo Bolea Francisco Laborda Antonio Moreda Juan R. Castillo |
XXI Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valencia, España / Nacional | 2017 |
Nanometrología analítica: hacia la resolución de problemas complejos | Francisco Laborda Isabel Abad Eduardo Bolea Gemma Cepriá Carlota Cubel María S. Jiménez M. Teresa Gómez Josefina Pérez-Arantegui Juan C. Vidal Juan R. Castillo Vanesa Taboada Antonio Moreda María C. Barciela Pilar Bermejo |
XXI Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valencia, España / Nacional | 2017 |
New perspectives of hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICP-MS for speciation analysis of metallic nanomaterials and dissolved metals | M. Sierra Jiménez Daniel Isabal M. Teresa Gómez F. Laborda Juan R. Castillo |
XXI Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Valencia, España / Nacional | 2017 |
GAFE, Una nueva alternativa para la realización de trabajos colaborativos en la universidad de Zaragoza | J.M.Mir | VIII Jornada de Buenas Prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC. / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2017 |
Hydrodynamic Chromatography Coupled to ICP-MS: Rethinking the Technique for the Analysis of Nanomaterials | M. Sierra Jiménez Daniel Isabal M. Teresa Gómez F. Laborda Juan R. Castillo |
SCIX 2017 / Reno, USA / Internacional | 2017 |
ICP-MS Based Methods for the Analysis of Nanomaterials | Laborda, Francisco Bolea, Eduardo Gomez, Maria T. Jimenez , Maria S. Castillo, Juan R. |
SCIX 2017 / Reno, USA / Internacional | 2017 |
Analysis of nanomaterials by fast scanning single particle ICP-MS: A user manual | Laborda, Francisco Abad-Alvaro, Isabel Bolea, Eduardo Peña-Vázquez, Elena Bermejo-Barrera, Pilar Castillo Juan R. |
XXV National Spectroscopy Meeting (XXV RNE) IX Iberian Spectroscopy Conference (IX CIE). Alicante Julio 2016 / Alicante, España / Internacional | 2016 |
Title | Authors | Meeting | Year |
Characterization of ancient contents in medieval Islamic objects: the relevance of exploring everyday products. |
J. Pérez-Arantegui |
41st International Symposium on Archaeometry / Kalamata, Grecia / Internacional |
2016 |
Goya’s pigments: Non-invasive methods applied to five paintings in the Museum of Zaragoza (Spain). |
F. Daniel |
41st International Symposium on Archaeometry / Kalamata, Grecia / Internacional |
2016 |
Analyse des nanoparticules par “fast scanning Single Particule” ICP MS (SP-ICPMS). |
I.Abad Álvaro |
Spectratom 2016 / Pau, Francia / Internacional |
2016 |
Posibilidades de la web2.0 para el desarrollo de trabajo grupales o colaborativosdirigidos. |
JM. Mir |
II Jornadas sobre estrategias para la innovación de la actividad docente en Química Analítica: Contenidos y Herramientas / Alcalá de Henares, España /Nacional |
2016 |
Analysis of nanomaterials by fast scanning single particle ICP-MS: A user manual. |
F. Laborda |
XXV Reunión Nacional Espectroscopia – IX Congreso Ibérico de Espectroscopia / Alicante, España / Nacional |
2016 |
Effect of the carrier used for dietary addition of silver nanoparticles on microbial diversity of the digestive tract of weaned piglets. |
J. Suárez |
XXV Reunión Nacional Espectroscopia – IX Congreso Ibérico de Espectroscopia. / Alicante, España / Nacional |
2016 |
¿Es Sway la evolución de PowerPoint en la red? |
M. Mir |
USATIC Jornadas Virtuales de Colaboración y formación.
2016 |
Title | Authors | Meeting | Year |
Caracterización arqueométrica de la cerámica del Castillo de Albarracín en la transición entre los siglos XII y XIII |
J. Pérez-Arantegui A. Hernández-Pardos |
XI Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría / Évora, Portugal / Internacional | 2015 |
Colorantes azules a través de la historia: técnicas analíticas no invasivas o microdestructivas para el estudio del pastel y el índigo. |
J. Pérez-Arantegui G. Cepriá A. Gil, A. Ágreda |
XI Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría / Évora, Portugal / Internacional | 2015 |
Sample preparation and separation strategies in analysis of engineered inorganic nanoparticles: Please, Mind the GAP. |
J. Jiménez-Lamana F. Laborda J. Szpunar |
EUROANALYSIS XVIII / Burdeos, Francia / Internacional | 2015 |
An ICPMS-based platform for the analysis of inorganic nanomaterials. |
F. Laborda E. Bolea I. Abad J. Jiménez-Lamana JR. Castillo |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Munster, Alemania / Internacional | 2015 |
Gel electrophoresis and LA-ICP-MS for Silver Nanoparticle and Protein Corona characterization |
MS. Jiménez García-Alcalá MT. Gómez Cotín JR. Castillo |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Munster, Alemania / Internacional | 2015 |
Size characterization and quantification of synthetic ceria nanoparticles by Field Flow Fractionation coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (FFF-ICP-MS) |
JR. Castillo L. Sánchez-García E. Bolea C. Cubel F. Laborda |
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry / Munster, Alemania / Internacional | 2015 |
Analysis of nanomaterials by single particle ICPMS: Limitations and new trends. |
F. Laborda I. Abad E. Bolea E. Peña P. Bermejo JR. Castillo |
10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials ICEENN 2015 / Viena, Austria / Internacional | 2015 |
Arsenic speciation in contaminated soils by AF4/SP-ICPMS and XAS Techniques: role of colloids in the mobilization of Arsenic. |
MA. Gómez-González F. Laborda E. Bolea J. García-Guinea F. Garrido |
10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials ICEENN 2015 / Viena, Austria / Internacional | 2015 |
Characterization of silver nanoparticles released from clay-based nanomaterials used as a feed additives: leachate assays |
E. Bolea I. Abad F. Laborda JR. Castillo |
10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials ICEENN 2015 / Viena, Austria / Internacional | 2015 |
Size characterization and quantification of synthetic ceria nanoparticles by Field Flow Fractionation coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (FFF-ICP- MS). |
E. Bolea C. Cubel L. Sánchez-García F. Laborda JR. Castillo |
10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials ICEENN 2015 / Viena, Austria / Internacional | 2015 |
Hyperspectral imaging applied to the analysis of Goya paintings in the Museum of Zaragoza (Spain). |
F. Daniel A. Mounier J. Pérez-Arantegui N. Prieto K. Castro |
TECHNART 2015 / Catania, Italia / Internacional | 2015 |
The use of non-invasive analytical methods to study blue dyes in historical objects: the case of woad and indigo |
J. Pérez-Arantegui A. Gil A. Ágreda |
TECHNART 2015 / Catania, Italia / Internacional | 2015 |
La definición formal y tecnológica de la cerámica medieval del castillo de Albarracín. |
J. Pérez-Arantegui A. Hernández Pardos |
I Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés. / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Caracterización de AgNPs y coronas proteícas por electroforesis en gel de agarosa y LA-ICP-MS. |
JM. Luque MS. Jiménez MT. Gómez JR. Castillo |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón. / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Caracterización de nanomateriales de plata utilizados como aditivos en alimentación animal: ensayos de lixiviación. |
I.Abad-Álvaro E. Bolea F. Laborda JR. Castillo |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Caracterización por tamaños y cuantificación de nanopartículas sintéticas de CeO2 mediante fraccionamiento en flujo acoplado a espectrometría de masas con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (FFFICP-MS) |
C. Cubel L. Sánchez-García E. Bolea F. Laborda JR. Castillo |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Colorantes azules a través de la historia: técnicas analíticas no invasivas o microdestructivas para el estudio del pastel y el índigo. |
J. Pérez-Arantegui G. Cepriá A. Gil A. Ágreda |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
New spectrophotometric and electrochemical magnetic immunosensors for the determination of unmetabolized cocaine in biological samples. |
JC. Vidal JR. Bertolín L. Bonel JR. Castillo L. Asturias MJ. Arcos-Martínez |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Nuevos inmunosensores amperométricos para la determinación de la glicoproteína B del citomegalovirus humano. |
JC. Vidal JR. Castill MJ. Arcos-Martínez AC. Dias-Cabral F. Pires |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Nuevos inmunosensores electroquímicos para la determinación de ocratoxina A, fumonisina B1 y deoxinivalenol en vino y cereales. |
A. Ezquerra JR. Bertolín L. Bonel JC. Vidal JR. Castillo |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Nuevos inmunosensores espectrofotométricos para la determinación de ocratoxina A, fumonisina B1 y deoxinivalenol en vino y cereales. |
A. Ezquerra JR. Bertolín L. Bonel JC. Vidal JR. Castillo |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Una aproximación al estudio, diseño y desarrollo de sensorescuantitativos para determinar nanopartículas de Ag y Ce en medios complejos: aplicaciones y limitaciones. |
G. Cepriá N. Mostolac J. Pardo A. López-Andrés C. Cubel JR. Castillo |
IV Jornadas del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón / Zaragoza, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Characterization of silver nanoparticles released from clay-based nanomaterials used as an additive in animal feeding: Leachate assays. |
I.Abad-Álvaro E. Bolea F. Laborda J.R. Castillo |
XX Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Santiago de Compostela, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Detección de partículas individuales mediante ICPMS: barrido ultrarrápido vs.convencional. |
I.Abad-Álvaro F. Laborda E. Bolea E. Peña D.M. Escala P. Bermejo J.R. Castillo |
XX Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Santiago de Compostela, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Multi-analytical characterization of engineered cerium oxide nanoparticles by spectroscopy and electrochemical techniques. |
C. Cubel L. Sánchez-García G. Cepriá O. Céspedes E. Bolea F. Laborda J.R. Castillo |
XX Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Santiago de Compostela, España / Nacional | 2015 |
New electrochemical immunosensor kits for the determination of ochratoxin A, fumonisin B1 and deoxynivalenol mycotoxins in wines and cereals-based foods. |
A. Ezquerra J.R. Bertolín S. Hernandez L. Bonel J.C. Vidal J.R. Castillo |
XX Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Santiago de Compostela, España / Nacional | 2015 |
New spectrophotometric immunosensor kits for the determination of ochratoxin A, fumonisin B1 and deoxynivalenol mycotoxins in wines and cereals. |
A. Ezquerra JR. Bertolín S. Hernandez L. Bonel J.C. Vidal J.R. Castillo |
XX Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Santiago de Compostela, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Size characterization and quantification of synthetic ceria nanoparticles by Field Flow Fractionation coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (FFF-ICPMS). |
E. Bolea C. Cubel L. Sánchez-García F. Laborda JR. Castillo |
X Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica / Santiago de Compostela, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Characterization of silver nanoparticles released from clay-based nanomaterials used as an additive in animal feeding: Leachate assays. |
E. Bolea I. Abad-Álvaro F. Laborda J.R. Castillo |
VII Workshop NyNa 2015 / Salamanca, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Nanoceria. Nanoparticle structure and strategy for detection and characterization. |
G. Cepriá C. Cubel L. Sánchez-García L. Cervera O. Céspedes J.R. Castillo |
VII Workshop NyNa 2015 / Salamanca, España / Nacional | 2015 |
Single Particle Detection by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: Fast vs. conventional scanning. |
E. Bolea I. Abad F. Laborda E. Peña DM. Escala J.R. Castillo P. Bermejo |
VII Workshop NyNa 2015 / Salamanca, España / Nacional |
2015 |
Size characterization and quantification of synthetic ceria nanoparticles by Field Flow Fractionation coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (FFF-ICPMS). |
E. Bolea C. Cubel L. Sánchez-García F. Laborda JR. Castillo |
VII Workshop NyNa 2015 / Salamanca, España / Nacional | 2015 |